What We Do

The purpose of First Light Charities is to offer hope to those in despair, comfort to those in sorrow, and love to those who just need to be noticed.  

Often, when an unexpected tragedy strikes, when someone is enduring a long trial that just will not end, or is simply having a rough day, we don’t know what to do or how to respond.

We want to do something, but what? That’s where First Light Charities comes in.

Our Vision

A world where everyone knows they are loved and is able to share that love with those in their path.

Our Mission

We bring hope and help through homemade meals.

Our Motto

Share love and light.

How We Do This

1. Prepared meals to other organizations serving vulnerable, low-income, or in-need populations.

  • We prepare the food and deliver homemade meals to various organizations so their staff can focus on other important matters, and so the client families and individuals can receive a lovingly prepared meal.

2. Prepared, homemade meals to individual families.

  • We prepare the meals and deliver to families that are experiencing mental, physical, financial, or family difficulties.

3. Meal boxes for individual families.

  • We provide meal boxes, which contain fresh ingredients for a meal they can prepare at home, with a recipe included. These meal boxes are provided to families struggling with mental, physical, financial, or family difficulties.

4. Small services experiences.

  • These projects are typically done on a monthly basis, and specifically focus on other nonprofit organizations. For a list of organizations we currently serve with, see the Events tab on our website.

5. Opportunities for families and individuals to volunteer and serve their neighbors.

  • We provide meal boxes, which contain fresh ingredients for a meal they can prepare at home, with a recipe included. These meal boxes are provided to families struggling with mental, physical, financial, or family difficulties.

To Learn More About Us:

  • Sign up to receive our monthly newsletter.
  • Sign up to receive our weekly email.